Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In my studio

I love to work on small pieces with scraps from my basket of hand-dyed, stamped fabrics, but I don't know what to do with them. I got an idea to try making some 8x10 pieces and then framing them with wooden frames without glass. I fused them directly onto batting, then machine and hand-quilted and embellished with glass beads. The mimbres images are screened onto muslin. They are original designs by my friend, Maurus Chino, from Acoma Pueblo. Now, I just need to find a source for frames...

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Snowy day

Here's my partner, Lorene, with Zoey and Jake. We got several inches of snow and more to come! Her Carharts worked great for keeping warm while she mucked the stalls, fed the goats and horses, and played with the dogs.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

These are my goats, Sugar and Blue. I'm testing out uploading photos into my blog. This was taken a few months ago and they've grown a lot! Plus, they're much woolier now!
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my first blog

Well, here goes. My first blog. It's Christmas eve day and I'm carving out a little computer time. Watching my little goats outside in the snow. Sunny at the moment, but we're in for more snow, I hear. I had to feed my horses in their stalls because the wind was so strong.

I'm going to head out to my quilting studio soon to work on some new classes for our quiltshop. I taught quilting for so many years in Montana, and now I'm excited to start up again. Hmmm. Where to start. I've been out of it for several years, so I need to get up to speed on all the latest trends.

I miss the camaraderie of the quilting community. I don't know anyone out here that quilts. I'm hoping that by blogging I'll start a conversation with like-minded artists and get re-inspired. So, I'll sign off now and see how this looks. Still so much to learn...