Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Process

Here's how I usally start out. I grab some chunks of fabric, in this case, from my hand dyed stash, and randomly piece them together.

Then I start layering on various design elements for a fabric collage. Here I actually used a panel that I used to have on a t-shirt. I cut it off the t-shirt and layed it on the quilt. Then I added some other hand-painted pieces, some fuzzy yarn, some thread scraps and beads. I machine quilted it and used a zig-zag finish to the edges. Voila!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Evolution of a style

Over the past few years, when I have had time to head into my studio, I have found that I really am developing my own "style". I can make just about any kind of quilt, and have worked in, and taught a wide variety of styles from traditional to contemporary. However, a wonderful focus comes from honing a particular technique and developing a certain "look". Most of my creative time happens in the summer when I have a break from teaching school. Last summer, I did several pieces of which I am particularly proud. I'll post pictures soon. I can hardly describe the deep satisfaction that comes from really getting in the zone and letting my creativity flow out of me.

Now, if only I can figure out how to include my pictures in my post. It's been such a long time since I last posted to this blog, that I'm having a hard time remembering how to navigate around here. However, I'm inspired to fire up this blog and start writing again.