Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Fresh Start

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June 1st.

I think it’s a good day for a new beginning. It's been a rocky road for a while, and it feels like time to smooth it out.
Where to start? Maybe yesterday, when Lorene and I went out to Mesa del Sol because we were curious. How cool. It’s a new planned community based on sustainability, and neighborhood values, and green space, and getting outdoors. It sounds like just the kind of place we would like to be.  And, sure enough, we found a model home that totally clicked for both of us the minute we walked in.
Or, maybe I should start 6 months ago when I got downsized out of my teaching career and entered the world of RV sales. What a bitter sweet trip that has been.  I’ve learned so much, and LOVE the people I work with and the company I work for. I’ve been on a mentor program that pays a good salary plus small commissions. No other company does that. Well, now I go on straight commissions this month. I still have a ton to learn, but I’m selling and getting very positive feedback from my customers. I have had the pleasure of immersing myself in a job that I have great passion for. However, since I work weekends and Lorene does not, it has taken a toll on our relationship. I thought we could make the most out of our tiny bits of time off together, but we have found our world to be so burdened with responsibilities that there is no time to be spontaneous or joyful. Stuff like a crazy long commute for both of us, horses that must be fed right before and after work, 2 ½ acres of weeds to be mowed, parents living with us, plus all our other dogs and cats and chores.
Or, maybe I should start a couple of years ago when we got the bug to go RVing. We’ve had the itch ever since. We got the 5th wheel and the truck, but now we don’t have the time to use it. We have enjoyed living the country life and having the horses, but the truth is, that now if we have any free time, we choose to go birding and RVing. That’s our real passion, and it is what we do best together.
So, why are we continuing to carry the burden of living way out here in the country when we work in Albuquerque? And why do we keep the horses when we don’t choose to ride them and they tie us down and prevent us from doing what we really love doing? Of course there are lots of reasons. It’s not simple.

But, today, on June 1st, I’m thinking it’s time to make a change. It’s time for us to be on the same page, walk the same path, follow the same plan.
I don’t know where we will end up, but I do know that I have an extreme desire to downsize, simplify, streamline, declutter, and enjoy the simple things that make being in a relationship fulfilling.
I feel inspired to write about our journey. Maybe it will help inspire others, I don’t know. I’m always bugging Lorene about retiring early. I feel like bucking the system and living outside the box. It’s a good thing that she is so practical and conservative when it comes to money. It allows us to have nice things and live comfortably. However, it’s also good that I shake things up a bit, and dream about an unconventional path. We balance each other. And it keeps life interesting.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Attitude Adjustment

I hate feeling left out. That’s a little hang-up that comes from way back. So, this weekend we had the big RV show in Albuquerque. Since I’m the newbie, I was instructed to stay “back at the ranch” at the dealership while most everyone else went down to work at the show. I started feeling sorry for myself. It was really slow, and I kept hearing about all the action down at the show. I asked my boss on the third day if I could please have a chance to work at the show. He kindly said, “You need to crawl before you walk, and I don’t want you to get overwhelmed. I really need you back at the dealership this weekend.” 

So, I went home and really thought about it. I had to do a little attitude adjustment. I recognized that feeling left out and sorry for myself was a type of “victim” mentality that I definitely don’t want to have. I let that go, and focused on feeling grateful for having a boss who was looking out for me, and for being in a job that gives me the chance to have wonderful training and mentoring for as long as I need it. I went to work the next day with a positive upbeat attitude, completely happy to be where I was.

Guess what? Because I was at the dealership, I was able to help a couple that came in, completely unrelated to the show. We found the RV of their dreams, and with the help of one of my mentors, Nancy, I made my first sale. I even got an extra bonus because it was during the show. What a trip! It was so fun, and I learned a ton – in more ways than one.